The Peak District National Park Authority does its best to ensure that as many people as possible can enjoy the Park. In order to do this the park authority has set up what is known as “Green Lanes”. Green Lanes are historic tracks which have been used in the past by a range of different …
Getting around & Transport
The Peak District is well served by public transport and can be accessed by both buses and trains. Buses link the Peak District’s most popular towns including Buxton to the rest of the country, with a coach service being available from London to Buxton. Trains connect the Peak District to the national rail network with regular services being available from both Manchester Piccadilly and Sheffield.
The Peak District has also recently witnessed vast improvements in its cycling and walking infrastructure with a number of traffic free cycle ways and hiking trails having been completed in the last couple years. The Peak District Park authority aims to further increase the number of visitors using both public transport and cycle trails, with investment set to continue far into the future.
The Peak District boasts extensive public transport links which mean that visitors do not have to bring cars to enjoy the area. There are a number of trains which cut across the Peak District from Sheffield and Manchester as well as extensive bus links. There is a range of train connections to the Peak District …